Journey with Us in the Footsteps of the Celtic Saints
Teresa Di Biase and Frank Shirbroun, teachers and retreat leaders, invite you to journey with them to the sacred landscapes of Celtic Europe, following in the footsteps of the women and men who nourished the seeds of Christianity in the British Isles and beyond. If you desire to be a pilgrim, more than a tourist; if you are willing to open yourself to the possibility of transformation rather than simply visiting ancient sites, then a Celtic Christian Pilgrimage may be for you.
Each day we will take time for worship, prayer, and reflection; for food and fellowship and laughter; for exploration and for rest. Our pilgrimages are intended for anyone desiring to deepen their spiritual life in the company of a small group. Many pilgrims find the experience so life-changing that they choose to participate in another Celtic Christian Pilgrimage.
"...to kneel where prayer has been valid." - TS Eliot

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Wales & Ireland's Ancient East
(Journey completed May 2024)
(No pilgrimage planned in '25)
Explore the lands of saints and poets as we trace the roots of Celtic Christianity.
Brittany & the Loire River Valley
(May 22-June 3, 2025)
From megalithic monuments to monastic caves, discover how Celtic Christianity took root in ancient France
Scotland and Northern England
(Journey completed June 2023)
(No pilgrimage planned in '25)
Follow the footsteps of northern saints as we journey to Iona and Lindisfarne.

Frank Shirbroun
Frank is a retired Professor of New Testament at Bloy House, the Episcopal School of Theology at Claremont. With Irish roots, Frank loves sharing the richness of the Celtic tradition with others. He is particularly interested in gleaning understandings from Celtic Christian spirituality that can challenge us on our own pilgrimage through life.

Teresa Di Biase
Teresa is a spiritual director, historian, and retired university librarian. A lifelong Episcopalian, her Celtic roots are in Wales. She loves to use her gifts in spiritual formation to enhance the pilgrims' engagement through prayer, ritual, and reflective experiences.

Local Experts
We are blessed to learn from men and women (such as the Rev. Kate Tristram, pictured here) who live and minister at the various Celtic sites we visit.
Celtic Christian Pilgrimages
Our blog: julianandaidan.wordpress.com